Our company
    Our company provides a comprehensive service using digital media (cloud technology, online software, etc.). It carries out all its activity online, compared to traditional companies that carry out their activity in person.
    We have the knowledge and experience that will advise and accompany you digitally to optimize the digital presence of your business and obtain benefits through the development and implementation of specific plans and actions to achieve your objectives.
      We study the current situation of your company to analyze the actions, strategies and results that the organization carries out to achieve its goals and improve its online presence.
    We focus our strategies on promoting your brand on the internet, including the use of channels and methods that allow the analysis of results in real time.

    Digital Marketing or Online Marketing is the set of strategies aimed at the electronic communication and marketing of products and services.

    It is one of the main ways available for companies to communicate with the public directly, personalized and at the right time.

    Philip Kotler is considered the father of Marketing, and defines it as "The social process through which people and groups of people satisfy wants and needs with the creation, offer and free negotiation of products and services of value with others."

    The ways to make that happen, however, change almost daily.

    Therefore, currently, it is impossible to talk about marketing and ignore that more than half of the world's population has access to the Internet and that by 2021 there will be 2.3 billion digital consumers.

    This explains why Digital Marketing is the most prominent way of doing and conceptualizing marketing right now.

    The term is used to summarize all your marketing efforts in the online environment.

    Using digital channels, such as blogs, sites, search engines, social media, emails and others, companies try to solve ailments and desires of their customers and potential customers.

    Digital Marketing can be carried out by people, companies, universities, NGOs, associations, churches, etc. But it must take into account cultural, psychological, geographical, and legal factors that influence people when buying or selling a product or service.

    What concepts are learned in microcomputer systems and networks?
    The microcomputer systems technician performs installation, configuration and maintenance work on computer systems. So it is logical to think that the first knowledge learned is to know computer systems perfectly.

    Systems technicians learn the different types of microcomputer systems as well as networks. They learn isolated or networked systems, as well as local networks or small environments.

    These professionals learn how these systems work to ensure their functionality when they put them into practice.

    In addition, they will learn quality and safety protocols and the correct way to respect the environment in all situations.

    Technicians will learn everything about software and hardware, as well as computer applications and networks in order to repair equipment.


    ·         What is a digital audit?
    In order to have a certain perspective of a broad reality, such as the digital ecosystem of almost any company today, it may be a great idea to launch a digital audit.

    A digital marketing audit is a simple inspection of all the practices, strategies and results that the organization has carried out to establish and improve its online presence. More than a specific method, it is something that companies must do periodically since otherwise the points for improvement of any digital strategy cannot come to light. Because yes, there are always things to refine.

    What does a digital audit include?
    An audit of a brand in the digital field must have the following sections:
    Analysis of the starting situation of the brand to be audited. Study that identifies where the brand is in a general area, and not only in the digital environment: business objectives; evolution in recent years; local, national and international presence; etc
    Analysis of the brand's own channels. This is the most relevant point of the audit and consists of determining all the channels in which the brand has a presence to subsequently measure how it performs in each of them: results obtained, quality and care of the channels, strategies and actions made, etc.
    Analysis of the competition and its channels. Research to identify the brand's main competitors, what channels they have a presence on, how they perform on the channels they currently use, what their general strengths and weaknesses are, how they surpass the brand, and how the brand surpasses their competitors. competition, etc.
    Analysis of the sector and trends. Study that focuses on assessing where the brand to be audited is in relation to the sector to which it belongs. This section goes one step beyond the analysis of the competition and is completed with an analysis of the most relevant trends in the sector in question.
    What to measure in a digital audit?
    At this point, the question is: what should be measured to correctly develop a digital marketing audit in a company?

    To help you at this point, we leave you a list of the most relevant channels in a digital audit, which coincide with those most used by brands. You will see that, within each channel, the measurement possibilities are endless: changes in positions on the Google results page, increase in the number of visits, followers, interaction rates, number of impressions and much more. In this sense, the key is to identify which are the most relevant metrics to define the brand's performance in each channel.

    Positioning (SEO and ASO): evaluating and measuring the brand's performance in search engines is key for most companies, whether we are talking about website positioning in search engines (SEO) or mobile applications in app stores. (ASO). It is important to review and monitor the positioning and searches through which our brand (and those of our competitors) appears among the results of Google or the Apple Store; and verify that they are relevant to the company's business model.

    Social Networks: as in most disciplines, in social networks the measurement indicators are infinite: followers, comments on publications, their reach and even sales made through these channels. In addition to the results obtained, it is also important to analyze the quality of the content that is shared on social networks, the frequency of publication, the tone and style used, the management of user service, etc. And, of course, establish relationships between the strategies/actions carried out and the results obtained to draw conclusions about the performance of these channels.

    Online advertising: a digital marketing audit should also analyze the online advertising campaigns of the brand and its competitors. The analysis of this channel will depend on the objectives pursued with advertising; normally the campaigns are divided between those that pursue a branding objective and those that focus on generating conversions, which can be translated into product sales, contracting of services. , generation of potential clients (through a means of contact with the company), etc. Depending on the objective of the campaigns and the channels in which they are developed, the indicators to measure are very varied: advertising costs, return on investment, ads that work better and worse, rate of results obtained (clicks, conversions, etc.) And a long etcetera.
    Email marketing: this channel is one of the most used by companies along with the website. In email marketing, a series of factors can be measured to assess the performance of the channel itself, starting with whether or not it is necessary to use it in the company or brand being audited. They are normally used to share news regarding products and services, but also to deliver the latest news about the company to its audiences. Some of the metrics that you can audit in this channel are the frequency of shipments, the quality of the database or databases, the opening rates of the emails sent, the percentage of clicks that each shipment receives, which are the best shipments (by date and by content), etc.
    Website: this is the channel that brands tend to take care of the most, although they normally focus on taking care of aspects that contribute little to the user, such as background colors or typography. While they neglect other aspects that really frustrate visitors, such as the website's loading time, the difficulty of navigation between its pages, or the use of invasive advertising. To avoid getting dizzy with all the possibilities of analyzing and improving a website, we recommend focusing on 2 areas: user experience (UX) and website performance (WPO). Within each area, the indicators to measure are very varied: average loading time, bounce rates, most and least visited pages, performance of each access device, page content, time spent on each page, etc. Here we leave you some tools that can be very useful to measure the performance of your website.

    ·         📧UniversalTraining@gmail.com                          📞 +1 (239) 494-6035


    At Universal Training LLC, we strive to provide the best possible experience for our customers. We understand that sometimes circumstances may arise that require a refund or cancellation of a digital product purchase. Please review our policy regarding refunds and purchase cancellations below:

    Digital Products Eligible for Refund:

    o    Digital Courses. 

    o    Any initial payment to reserve a digital service (mentoring, audit, company digital marketing, training, business coaching, etc.).

    Refunds will be issued for digital products only within 30 days from the date of purchase.

    To be eligible for a refund, the performance of the contracted service must not have begun.

    Requesting a Refund:

    Customers must submit a refund request through our customer support portal or by contacting our support team directly.


    Refund requests must include the order number and reason for the refund.

    Refund Processing:

    Once a refund request is received, it will be processed within 10 business days.

    Refunds will be issued to the original method of payment.

    Non-Refundable Items:

    Certain digital products may be non-refundable. Please refer to the product description or contact our support team for more information.

    Purchase Cancellation Policy

    Cancellation Period:

    Customers may cancel a digital product purchase within  14 days from the time of purchase.

    Cancellation Process:

    To cancel a purchase, customers must contact our support team immediately with their order number.

    Cancellation Confirmation:

    Upon cancellation, customers will receive confirmation of the cancellation and a refund will be issued according to our refund policy.

    Exceptions and Special Cases:

    Universal Training reserves the right to refuse refunds or cancel purchases in cases of suspected fraudulent activity or abuse of our policies.

    In certain exceptional circumstances, Universal training may consider refund requests or purchase cancellations outside of the specified policy period.

    Contact Information:

    For any inquiries regarding refunds or purchase cancellations, please contact our customer support team at universaltraining@gmail.com

    Policy Revision:

    Universal Training reserves the right to revise this refund and purchase cancellation compliance policy at any time without prior notice. By purchasing digital products from Universal training, customers agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.